How to Do Marketing: Give, Give, Give, Ask

Remember when you could slap up a Facebook ad and watch the leads roll in? Those days are dead, buried, and decomposing. Welcome to the era of the “Dead Internet” – where bots outnumber humans and attention spans are shorter than a TikTok dance.

In this digital wasteland, authenticity is your secret weapon. Enter “Give, Give, Give, Ask” – the backbone of community-led growth that doesn’t make you feel like you need a shower after marketing.

Why Authenticity in Marketing Matters (And Why You Should Give a Damn)

People are sick of being sold to. We’re all drowning in a sea of “limited-time offers” and “exclusive deals.” Just like you, your potential customers can smell bullshit from a mile away, and their B.S. detectors are on high alert.

81% of consumers say they need to trust a brand to buy from them (Edelman Trust Barometer). Trust is the new currency, and you can’t buy it with flashy ads or growth hacks.

So how do you build that trust? By giving value. Consistently. Authentically. Without expecting anything in return (at first).

The Anatomy of a Killer “Give”

Not all gives are created equal. Here’s how to make yours count:

Know Your People – Dive deep into their world. What keeps them up at night? What makes them laugh? What are their secret dreams?

Solve Real Problems: Don’t just create fluff. Offer something that genuinely makes their lives better.

Be Unexpected: Surprise and delight. Go above and beyond what they’re expecting.

Get Personal: One-size-fits-all is dead. Tailor your gives to specific segments of your audience.

Stay Consistent: One-off gestures are nice, but consistent value builds real relationships.

Real-World Example: The Long Beach Gambit

Back in 2019, I was broke, burned out, and questioning everything about my business. In a moment of inspiration, I spent three months creating a massive, free resource guide for local Long Beach businesses.

No hidden agenda. No email capture. Just pure, unadulterated value.

The response? Mind-blowing. People started reaching out, thanking me, sharing it like wildfire. I even got invited to speak at a local business event (terrifying, but I did it).

Here’s the plot twist: I never directly monetized that guide. But the relationships it built? They led to client work, speaking gigs, and collaborations I never could have imagined.

The lesson? When you give without expectation, the universe has a funny way of giving back.

The Art of the Ask (Without Feeling Like a Sleazeball)

Alright, you’ve given your heart out. Now it’s time to make an ask. But how do you do it without feeling like you need to take a shower afterward?

  1. Make It Relevant: Your ask should feel like a natural next step from your gives.
  2. Be Transparent: Explain why you’re making the ask and how it helps you continue giving.
  3. Offer Options: Give people different ways to support you, at various commitment levels.
  4. Show the Impact: Clearly demonstrate how their support makes a difference.
  5. Keep It Time-Limited: Create a sense of urgency without being pushy.

Example: “For the past 6 months, I’ve been sharing weekly marketing tips. Now, I’m launching a deep-dive course on community-led growth. Early-bird pricing is available for the next 48 hours. Your support helps me keep the free content flowing and dive even deeper into topics that matter to you.”

The Long Game of Community-Led Growth

Here’s the truth: “Give, Give, Give, Ask” isn’t a quick fix. It’s not about going viral or gaming the algorithm. It’s about building something real and lasting.

In a world of short-term thinking, commit to playing the long game. Be the brand that consistently shows up, adds value, and genuinely cares.

The “Give, Give, Give, Ask” Content Ecosystem

Here’s how to create a content ecosystem that embodies the “Give, Give, Give, Ask” philosophy:

The Weekly Giveaway

Every Monday, drop a free, high-value resource. Think templates, checklists, or mini-guides. Make it so good people can’t believe it’s free.

Example: “Marketing Hack Monday” – A weekly automation recipe using Zapier and AI.

The Deep Dive Blog

Every Wednesday, publish an in-depth article solving a specific problem. No fluff, just actionable advice your audience can implement immediately.

Example: “How I Tripled Email Open Rates Using This Weird Subject Line Hack”

The Community Spotlight

Fridays are for featuring your community. Showcase a community member’s win, project, or insight. It’s a give that keeps on giving – they get exposure, you get content, and everyone feels the love.

Example: “Freelancer Friday: How Sarah Landed Her Dream Client Using Our Pitch Template”

The Monthly Masterclass

Host a live, in-depth training session on a hot topic. Make it free, make it valuable, and use it to showcase your expertise.

Example: “Mastering Meta Tags: An SEO Crash Course for Non-Techies”

The Quarterly Ask

Once every three months, make your pitch. But here’s the key: Frame it as a way for your audience to go deeper, to get more of what you’ve been giving away.

Example: “Love our free content? Join the Inner Circle for daily access, live coaching, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.”

The Secret Sauce: Repurpose Everything

Each piece of content spawns multiple gives:

  • Turn blog posts into Twitter threads
  • Clip masterclass highlights for Instagram Reels
  • Transcribe videos for accessible blog content
  • Compile top tips into a free ebook

This system creates a constant stream of value, builds trust over time, and gives you natural opportunities to make your ask.

Remember: You’re not just creating content. You’re building a community. Every piece of content is a conversation starter, a problem solver, a trust builder.

Now go forth and give. Your audience is waiting, and they’re hungry for real value in a world of digital fast food.

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