How to turn a Podcast Episode into Articles, Social Posts, and more using AI

How to Repurpose Your Podcast with ChatGPT, Claude or any LLM-based AI and Skip Common Pitfalls

Let’s face it: repurposing podcast content is a pain in the ass. You’ve got this goldmine of information, but turning it into blog posts, social media updates, and newsletters feels like pulling teeth. That’s where AI comes in – but not in the way you might think.

I’m going to show you how to use AI to transform your podcast into a content powerhouse, without sacrificing your voice or falling into the usual AI traps. We’re talking about a layered approach that leverages AI’s strengths while keeping your unique perspective front and center.

Step 1: Transcribe the Podcast: Build Your Content Foundation

You can’t create killer content from a podcast without a reliable transcript. It’s the raw material AI needs to work its magic.

Don’t waste hours typing out every word. Use tools like or Descript to auto-transcribe your episodes in minutes. Better yet, set up a Zapier workflow to deliver transcripts straight to your content system as soon as you hit publish.

Pro tip: Automate this step. The sooner you have that transcript, the sooner you can start repurposing.

Step 2: Layer 1 – Extract Core Ideas

Here’s where most people screw up with AI. They dump a whole transcript in and expect the machine to spit out a beautifully crafted blog post. That’s like asking a chef to create a gourmet meal from a grocery store dumpster.

Instead, start by asking AI to pull out the key themes and ideas. Keep it focused and specific. Try a prompt like:

“Summarize the podcast transcript into 5 concise takeaways, each detailed in two sentences or less.”

You’ll end up with something like:

  • Time blocking boosts focus by reducing distractions.
  • Batching similar tasks saves time and mental energy.

Now you’ve got the building blocks for awesome content.

Step 3: Layer 2 – Craft a Structured Outline

Next, guide AI to turn those core ideas into a structured outline. This is where your content starts taking shape.

Prompt AI with something like:

“Translate these takeaways into an organized blog post outline with 4 subheadings and 3 supporting bullet points each.”

You’ll get an outline like:

  • Time Blocking Techniques
  • Define time blocking
  • Implementation steps
  • Common mistakes

With this blueprint, AI can craft content that’s focused, informative, and engaging. No more rambling tangents or surface-level bullshit.

Step 4: Layer 3 – Curate Quotes and Snippets for Social Media

Social media is all about snackable, shareable content. And AI can serve up some bite-sized gems if you give it the right instructions.

Try a prompt like:

“Select 3 memorable quotes from the transcript that capture essential themes.”

AI will dig through the transcript and pull out quotable gold like:

“Productivity isn’t about busyness, it’s about focus.”

Boom. You’ve got ready-to-post content that packs a punch.

Step 5: Layer 4 – Write the Full-Length Blog Post

Once you have a solid outline, it’s time to let AI work its magic and craft a compelling full-length blog post. This is where all the pieces come together to create content that’s engaging, informative, and aligned with your podcast’s core message.

To get the best results, provide AI with a detailed prompt that includes the desired word count and any specific examples or case studies you want to be included. Something like:

“Expand this outline into a detailed 1500-word blog post, weaving in examples or cases across 4 sections.”

By giving AI a clear structure to follow and a target word count, you’ll end up with a well-organized post that thoroughly covers the topic without veering off into tangents.

Pro tip: Don’t just hit publish as soon as AI spits out the post. Take some time to read through it, add your own insights and experiences, and give it that human touch. AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a complete replacement for your unique voice and perspective.

Step 6: Automate Distribution and Repurposing

You’ve put in the work to create an awesome blog post, but your job’s not done yet. To get the most mileage out of your content, you need to distribute it across multiple channels and repurpose it into different formats.

This is where automation comes in clutch. By setting up Zapier workflows, you can automatically trigger a series of actions as soon as your blog post goes live:

  • Share the post on your social media profiles
  • Draft an email newsletter featuring the post
  • Create Instagram carousels using quotes from the post

You can even use AI to help with the repurposing process. Try prompts like:

“Condense this blog into a 200-word LinkedIn post with three bullet points and a call-to-action.”

With a few clicks, your podcast content is now reaching a wider audience and driving traffic back to your site. Automation handles the heavy lifting, so you can focus on creating more killer content.

The Power of the Layered AI Framework

By breaking down the content creation process into these distinct layers, you’re able to leverage AI’s strengths while mitigating its weaknesses. Instead of expecting AI to magically transform a raw podcast transcript into a publish-ready blog post, you’re guiding it step-by-step to ensure the final product is focused, engaging, and true to your brand voice.

This layered approach also makes the process more manageable for you as the content creator. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by a massive project, you can tackle it piece by piece, with AI handling much of the grunt work.

And the best part? Once you have this system in place, you can rinse and repeat for every podcast episode. Churn out high-quality blog posts, social content, and email newsletters like clockwork, all while freeing up your time and mental energy for other important tasks.

Putting It All Together

Repurposing your podcast content with AI doesn’t have to be a frustrating or time-consuming process. By following the Layered AI Framework, you can transform each episode into a rich tapestry of blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and more, all without sacrificing quality or authenticity.

The key is to start with a solid foundation (the podcast transcript), break down the process into manageable layers, and provide AI with clear, specific prompts at each step.

Guide AI to extract core ideas, craft a structured outline, curate quotes for social media, and expand on that outline to create a compelling full-length post. Then, let automation handle the distribution and repurposing, so you can reach a wider audience with less effort.

With this system in your toolbox, you’ll be able to squeeze every drop of value out of your podcast content, grow your audience, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. All while saving time and energy that you can pour back into creating an even better podcast.

Ready to take your content repurposing game to the next level? Grab our free set of fill-in-the-blank AI prompts and start transforming your podcast into a content powerhouse today. And if you want to dive deeper into mastering AI for your marketing, check out our “How to Talk to Robots” course. Your future self (and your listeners) will thank you.