The Clever Method: No Drama, Just Results

Welcome to the showcase of our success.

With each partnership, we’ve crafted stories, driven results, and forged growth paths. As we reveal our proudest projects, let the quality speak for itself.


You'll be in Good Company

We’ve worked in-house at big tech-brands that serve small businesses. It’s safe to say, we know small business marketing inside and out

Spotlight Projects

Launching a Podcast as a Platform for Influence and Engagement

Creating Audacity Marketing felt akin to directing a major production, where every detail had to align perfectly. The collaboration between Michelle and me, blending technical skill with marketing expertise, was the cornerstone of our strategy. Automating the content transformation process was a

Client Content Strategy on Autopilot with Zapier and AI

The journey began with a challenge all too familiar to many agencies: the relentless grind of content ideation and calendar planning and the eternal question – is it possible to use AI or ChatGPT for authentic content marketing production? It was a

Let's get to solving your marketing problems.