The Clever Method: No Drama, Just Results

Welcome to the showcase of our success.

With each partnership, we’ve crafted stories, driven results, and forged growth paths. As we reveal our proudest projects, let the quality speak for itself.


You'll be in Good Company

We’ve worked in-house at big tech-brands that serve small businesses. It’s safe to say, we know small business marketing inside and out

Spotlight Projects

From Facebook Group to Flourishing Email Community

The Skills That Made It Happen Pulling off this newsletter required a juggling act of skills: One evening, amidst the chaos of launching the newsletter, I received a message from a group member. She shared how the salary survey had sparked a

Maximizing Event Attendance Through Strategic Marketing

When I launched Littlepalooza, it was more than a gamble on a “Coachella for Kids.” It was a mission to shake up the family event scene, which frankly, was snooze-worthy at best. I saw a world where parents and kids didn’t just

Innovation at Yelp: Pioneering Community-Led Growth

In the early days at Yelp, every move was a step into the unknown. Implementing Elite events and developing organic marketing playbooks were bets on the belief that authentic, user-driven experiences could drive growth more effectively than any ad campaign. This belief

Building LB Littles into a Community Powerhouse

From the initial website to the premium newsletter, each element of LB Littles brand and community was crafted with care, aiming to resonate not just as a service, but as a community. It was about offering families events and experiences that mattered.

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