Implementation usually around $1k first.
$ 450 monthly
  • Expertly-Crafted Emails tailored to captivate both customers and email algorithms
  • Monthly Content Plan. We deliver a months worth of content outlines, social post briefs, captions.
  • Take over turning your content into emails. You have lots of content, but need it in email - this service covers that.
  • Monthly Analytics Report
  • Quarterly Roadmap Session

AI Automation and Systems

Done for you automations and AI for your business in one week.
$ 1k Per Automation Sprint
  • We start by taking inventory of your processes and Build out a plan then tackle the work in automation sprints.
  • Expect to have several automations implemented in a sprint, aiming to save more than 60 hours per month.
  • Things We Can Automate:
    -ClickUp Systems

    -New Client Intake

    -Lead Management and Sales

    -Content Repurposing and Automation

    -Notion and Task Workflows

    -Automated Doc creation for agendas, prestentations, go-to-market, strategy docs, content calendars and more.

Fractional Director of Marketing - AI & Content

$ 3,500 Monthly
  • Hazel Quimpo comes in-house to act as a fractional director of marketing, empowering you to grow an manage an impactful content marketing team.

    We start with a couple quick wins while we audit to find optimizations for AI workflow automations, brand, funnel, and conversion points.
  • KPI Presentation reporting for board reports
  • Content Strategy, Campaign Management and Omnichannel Plan
  • Monthly Content Plan and KPI Reporting
  • Weekly Team Check In and Available On Call

Let's get to solving your marketing problems.

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