Transforming Chaos into Clarity

Dump the spreadsheets and scattered docs. With a custom setup in ClickUp (or your tool of choice), your content strategy becomes a streamlined powerhouse. All your ideas, schedules, and tasks in one place, easily accessible and perfectly organized. This setup revolutionizes how you plan, execute, and review your content.

Seamless Adoption with Engaging Training

Smooth transitions matter. That’s why I provide hands-on, engaging training sessions to ensure your team adopts the new system without a hitch. These sessions are practical and interactive, making sure your team feels confident and ready to use the new tools effectively. Say goodbye to tech frustration and hello to seamless adoption.

Integration for Effortless Efficiency

Don’t ditch your favorite tools. I make sure everything integrates smoothly, enhancing your current workflows without disruption. From your CRM to your social media scheduler, everything works together seamlessly. Continue using the tools you love, now more efficient than ever with a cohesive content production system.

AI-Driven Efficiency and Creative Freedom

AI takes your content game to the next level. By automating repetitive tasks like scheduling, data entry, and reporting, AI saves you hours. This means your team can focus on creativity and strategy. Imagine AI handling the grunt work while your team brainstorms, writes, and engages with your audience. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

Continuous Support for Lasting Success

Support doesn’t end after setup. Opt for quarterly support packages where I continuously build new automations and optimize content distribution. This ongoing partnership ensures your content strategy evolves and stays aligned with your goals, keeping your operations efficient and effective.

Investment and What to Expect

Investing in a custom content calendar and production system is a game-changer. The process starts with a four-week sprint, priced at $3500. Weeks one and two focus on assessment and planning. Weeks three and four are dedicated to building and refining your system, integrating tools, and automating data collection. After setup, you can choose quarterly support for ongoing automation building and content distribution optimization. You’ll also receive a comprehensive guidebook with best practices to ensure lasting success.